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Overnight Motorhome Parking

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  1. Overnight Motorhome Parking is by reservation only and is available Thursday, Friday, and Saturday nights.

  2. Reservation form and payment are due May 15, 2025.

  3. After entries close on May 15, 2025, an additional $5/night will be charged, providing space is available

  4. Payment must be made online using Square.

  5. You will receive a confirmation email.

  6. Upon check-in on the show grounds, you will be assigned a space by grounds' staff and given an ID card that must be placed and visible on the front driver's side windshield of your vehicle. Please add your name and cell phone number to the card so we can reach you in case of an emergency.

In order to provide overnight parking, the Wrentham Developmental Center mandates the following:

  • Ladies' Dog Club, Inc. provide WDC security protection throughout the day and night

  • Overnight parking be by reservation only

  • Parking is allowed in designated areas only

Friday Specialties and Group Shows Only

Overnight motor home parking is available Thursday from 2:00 to 10:00 pm and during the stated hours of the Friday specialties, as well as Friday and Saturday nights. Overnight motor homes may remain until after BIS on Sunday.

Arrival Hours

Thursday: 2 - 10 pm

Friday & Saturday: 6 am  - 10 pm

As a courtesy to dogs, other exhibitors and grounds' staff, please do not arrive to park your motor home after 10 pm.

Please read the following important information:

  • Parking reservations are for one motor home  or one trailer and tow vehicle and do not include additional vehicle parking.

  • All units must be self-contained. No camper hookups are provided.

  • Vehicles with dogs must not be left unattended overnight.

  • We expect motor homes to be running generators for AC for the comfort and safety of their dogs. Keep in mind that it may be noisy at night.

  • Fire lanes must be maintained.

  • No holding of space - arriving together is the only way of staying together.

  • All trash must be put inside clean plastic bags and placed in available barrels or dumpsters. 

  • Please do your part in keeping this show site available to us!

Those not abiding by the rules or who do not respect the grounds' staff

are subject to removal and possible Event Committee action.

For questions about Motorhome Parking, contact Lisa Pacheco, treasurer, at 508-294-9043 or

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