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Preferred Parking

  1. All Preferred Parking on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday is by reservation only and only until spaces are filled.

  2. Online reservation form and payment are due May 15, 2025.

  3. After entries close on May 15, 2025, an additional $5/day will be charged, provided space is available.

  4. Payment must be made online using Square.

  5. You will receive a confirmation email.

  6. Upon check-in on the show grounds, you will be given an ID card that must be placed and visible on the front driver's side windshield of your vehicle. Please add your name and cell phone number to the card so we can reach you in case of an emergency.

Please read the following important information:

  • A reservation only guarantees a space, not a specific location.

  • No more than one (1) vehicle per space.

  • Space will be assigned by the grounds' staff upon arrival.

  • Parking is in designated areas only as directed by the grounds' staff.

  • Due to proximity to rings, some Preferred Parking spaces may require arrival by 7 am and departure after BIS.

Those not abiding by the rules or who do not respect the grounds' staff

are subject to removal and possible Event Committee action.

For questions about Preferred Parking, contact Lisa Pacheco, treasurer, at 508-294-9043 or

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